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ACT – Membership

2023-08-04T00:28:44+00:00March 17th, 2017|

The membership fee for the ACT chapter of the ASPG is $10 per year with a concessional rate of $5 available for students, the unemployed and pensioners. The ACT Chapter is required to make a financial contribution to the Group but this is met by the corporate subscriptions paid by the Department of the Senate, [...]

New South Wales – Executive Committee

2024-06-21T14:51:35+00:00March 17th, 2017|

Co-Patrons Hon Benjamin Franklin (MLC), President of the Legislative Council Hon Greg Piper (MP), Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Co-Chairs Helen Minnican, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly David Blunt, Clerk of the Legislative Council Secretary/Treasurer Tilda Sykes Members Russell Grove (PSM) The Hon Kevin Rozzoli Professor Rodney Smith Jeremy Travers Rohan Tyler

New South Wales – Membership

2023-12-11T14:55:18+00:00March 17th, 2017|

Full membership Full membership of the New South Wales Chapter of the ASPG costs A$45 per year and entitles members to: online access to the Australasian Parliamentary Review (two issues per year) discounts to attend the ASPG Annual Conference and other ASPG events priority to attend seminars and other functions hosted or supported by the NSW [...]

New Zealand – Executive Committee

2024-07-29T03:39:15+00:00March 17th, 2017|

For information about the Executive Committee of the New Zealand Chapter, please contact: Caroline Wallis Acting Chair Nico Henneveld Secretary Lauren Zamalis Treasurer Email: [email protected] By post: Secretary Parliament Buildings Private Bag 18041 Wellington 6160 New Zealand Aotearoa

New Zealand – Membership

2024-04-02T03:14:20+00:00March 17th, 2017|

Full membership Full membership of the New Zealand Chapter of the ASPG is free and entitles members to: Attendance at New Zealand Chapter seminars free of charge Two issues per year of the ASPG's online journal, Australasian Parliamentary Review  Discounted registration fee for the ASPG annual conference Corporate membership Corporate membership of the New [...]

Executive Committee

2024-04-22T03:08:59+00:00February 19th, 2017|

Executive Ms Diana McCluskey, Chair Mr James Gilchrist, Secretary Dr Vanja Perovic-Vukotic, Treasurer Mr Clem Campbell Dr Lorraine Cherney Dr Mary Crawford Mr Simon Kelly Ms Nonie Malone Dr Ferran Martinez i Coma Professor Juliet Pietsch Ex Officio members Mr David Fraser, Immediate Past Chair Mr Linus Power MP, government representative Mr Ray Stevens MP, [...]


2023-10-12T00:40:38+00:00February 19th, 2017|

The ASPG provides an outstanding opportunity to establish links with others in the parliamentary community, including members of Parliament, parliamentary staff, academics, students of political science, law and public policy, research and policy officers, and other interested members of the public. Anyone with an interest in Parliament can join the ASPG. Membership includes: Subscription [...]

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