The WA Chapter of the ASPG typically hosts two member events each year: a dinner seminar and a supper seminar. These events are free for financial members.

Recent supper seminars have featured talks by:

  • Political journalists Gary Adshead and Ben Harvey, and former Treasurer Hon Ben Wyatt, on ‘Parliament and the Press’.
  • Professor Martin Drum and Professor John Phillmore on reform of the Western Australian Legislative Council.
  • Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC on her experiences as a Member in three different Parliamentary Houses.

Dinner seminars have featured:

  • election analyst and commentator, Antony Green AO
  • the Governor of Western Australia, Hon Kim Beazley AC
  • the former Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia, Hon Robert French AC
  • the then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, Hon Wayne Martin AC
  • political scientist, Dr Martin Drum
  • psephologist, William Bowe
  • political journalists and commentators, Professor Peter Van Onselen, Ben Harvey, Jessica Page and Hamish Hastie.

Many dinner seminars also feature a panel of Members of Parliament who provide a parliamentary perspective on the topic.

Below are photos from our Dinner Seminar with Antony Green AO held at Parliament House, Perth on 15 September 2022.