Full membership

Full membership of the Victoria Chapter of the ASPG costs A$70 (or $65 for Parliament House staff, full-time student or senior) per year and entitles members to:

  • Attendance at Victoria Chapter seminars free of charge (non-members pay A$20 to attend)
  • Two issues per year of the Australasian Parliamentary Review
  • Discounted registration fee for the ASPG annual conference

Corporate membership

Corporate membership of the VIC Chapter costs A$400 per year. Please contact the VIC Chapter Treasurer for more information about the entitlements associated with corporate membership.


To become a member (or renew your membership)please contact:

Vaughn Koops
Honorary Treasurer, ASPG Victoria Chapter
Parliament House
Spring Street
East Melbourne, Victoria 3002

Email: [email protected]

Payment option (including renewals)

Internet banking only
Account name: ASPG – VIC Chapter
Bank: Westpac
Account number: 413 736
BSB: 033-157