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Note from the Editor, Professor Rodney Smith

Meet the Editor


Parliament in the Periphery: Sixteen Years of Labor Government in South Australia, 2002-2018* 
Mark Dean

Tasmania: Majority or Minority Government?*
Michael Lester and Dain Bolwell

One, Two or Many Queenslands? Disaggregating the Regional Vote at the 2017 Queensland State Election* Paul D Williams

Parliamentarians’ Actions within Petition Systems: Their Impact on Public Perceptions of Fairness*
Chris Angus

A Watershed in Committee Evidence Gathering: Victorian Palriament’s Inquiry into the CFA Training College at Fiskville*
Anita Mackay and John Aliferis

Trust and Political Behaviour
Jonathan O’Dea

* Indicates that the article has been double-blind reviewed, which is the text used in the body of the journal itself.


From the Tables – July 2017 to June 2018 
Glenn Ryall


New Directions for Law in Australia: Essays in Contemporary Law Reform, edited by Ron Levy, Molly O’Brien, Simon Rice, Pauline Ridge and Margaret Thornton. Canberra: ANU Press, 2017. pp. xiv + 661. RRP $70.00 (print version).  
Bob Debus

In Search of Consensus: New Zealand’s Electoral Act 1956 and its Constitutional Legacy, by Elizabeth McLeay. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2018. pp. 254. RRP $40.00.  
Leonid Sirota 

Opening Government, Transparency and Engagement in the Information Age, edited by John Wanna and Sam Vincent. Canberra: ANU Press, 2018, pp. xii + 165. RRP $45.00 (print version). 
Chris Crawford

Double Disillusion: The 2016 Federal Election, edited by Anika Gauja, Peter Chen, Jennifer Curtin and Juliet Pietsch. Canberra: ANU Press, 2018, pp. xxix + 690. RRP $75.00 (print version). 
Hiroya Sugita

 Material published in the Australasian Parliamentary Review is subject to copyright. Requests for permission to reproduce material from the APR should be directed to the Editor.

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© Australasian Study of Parliament Group
ISSN 1447-9125