Welcome to the latest online edition of the Australasian Parliamentary Review.
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Note from the Editor, Professor Rodney Smith
Parliament in the Periphery: Sixteen Years of Labor Government in South Australia, 2002-2018*
Mark DeanTasmania: Majority or Minority Government?*
Michael Lester and Dain BolwellOne, Two or Many Queenslands? Disaggregating the Regional Vote at the 2017 Queensland State Election* Paul D Williams
Parliamentarians’ Actions within Petition Systems: Their Impact on Public Perceptions of Fairness*
Chris AngusA Watershed in Committee Evidence Gathering: Victorian Palriament’s Inquiry into the CFA Training College at Fiskville*
Anita Mackay and John AliferisTrust and Political Behaviour
Jonathan O’Dea* Indicates that the article has been double-blind reviewed, which is the text used in the body of the journal itself.
From the Tables – July 2017 to June 2018
Material published in the Australasian Parliamentary Review is subject to copyright. Requests for permission to reproduce material from the APR should be directed to the Editor.
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© Australasian Study of Parliament Group
ISSN 1447-9125