© Australasian Study of Parliament Group

Requests for permission to reproduce material from the Australasian Parliamentary Review should be directed to the Editor.

ISSN 1447-9125

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Table of Contents

From the editor, Jennifer Aldred


The role of the Speaker in minority government – the case of the Australian House of Representatives 2010–2013
David Elder

Opposition in parliamentary democracies: A framework for comparison
Bruce Stone

Commonwealth oversight arrangements – re-thinking the Separation of Powers
John McMillan

Closing the gap: the case for a Commonwealth Anti-Corruption and Misconduct Commission
Brian Toohey

Developing parliament’s oversight capacity through MPs’ professional development
Ken Coghill, Ross Donohue, Colleen Lewis

Inaugural speeches in the New South Wales Parliament
Gareth Griffith

The future of euthanasia politics in the Australian state parliaments
Alison Plumb

Should upper houses have ministers?
John Young


The March 2013 Western Australian election: First fixed election date delivers a resounding victory for the Barnett government
Harry Phillips

‘From the Tables’ – a round-up of administrative and procedural developments in the Australasian parliaments
Robyn Smith

Book reviews

The Lucky Culture by Nick Cater
Killing Fairfax: Packer, Murdoch and the ultimate revenge by Pamela Williams
Taking God to School: the end of Australia’s egalitarian education? by Marion Maddox
David Clune