Australasian Parliamentary Review

Autumn 1986. Vol 1, No. 1

© Australasian Study of Parliament Group. Requests for permission to reproduce material from Australasian Parliamentary Review should be directed to the Editor.

Copies of these articles are unfortunately unavailable.


Title Author

Book Reviews. The Wran Model: Electoral Politics in New South Wales (by John Warhurst)

E Chaples, H Nelson and K Turner (eds)

Book Reviews: Whitehall and Westminster, Government Informs Parliament: The Changing Scene (by Nevil Johnson)

D Englefield

Commonwealth and State – A Privileged Compact?

Laurie Marquet

Group News. 1985 Conference

Group News. 1986 Conference

Group News. Publications and Memberships

Parliamentary Inquiries and Executive Privilege

Enid Campbell

Parliamentary Privilege: The Reasons of Mr Justice Cantor – An Analysis

Harry Evans