© Australasian Study of Parliament Group

Requests for permission to reproduce material from the Australasian Parliamentary Review should be directed to the Editor.

ISSN 1447-9125

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Table of contents

From your editor, Jennifer Aldred


Race and the Australian Constitution
George Williams

The dilemmas of drafting a Constitution for a new state
Anne Twomey

Arm’s length bodies in the Australian Capital Territory — time for review?
Roger Wettenhall

Understanding conscience vote decisions: The case of the ACT
Peter Balint and Cheryl Moir

Committees in a unicameral parliament: Impact of a majority government on the ACT Legislative Assembly committee system
Grace Concannon

Guarding MPs’ integrity in the UK and Australia
David Solomon

Unproclaimed legislation — the delegation of legislative power to the executive
Alex Stedman

Through the lens of accountability: referral of inquiries by ministers to upper house committees
Merrin Thompson

Strengthening parliaments in nascent democracies: the need to prioritize legislative reforms
Abel Kinyondo


Electoral law and the campaign trail
Harry Phillips 

From the Tables – A round-up of administrative and procedural developments in the Australasian Parliaments
Robyn Smith

Book reviews

Reluctant Democrat — Sir William Denison in Australia 1847—1861
Anne Twomey

Tales from the Political Trenches
Mary Crawford

Politics, Society, Self, and What is to be Done?: The struggle for the soul of the labour movement
David Clune

The Australian Policy Handbook: Fifth Edition
Kevin Rozzoli