© Australasian Study of Parliament Group

Requests for permission to reproduce material from the Australasian Parliamentary Review should be directed to the Editor.

ISSN 1447-9125

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Articles: Women in Parliament

Has Julia Gillard’s tenure made it easier for the next woman?
Mary Crooks

HER story – the EMILY’s List Australia success story
Sophie Arnold and Tanja Kovac

Women and mothers in Parliament: Again!
Sue Boyce

Being an Independent MP: A lifetime journey and a station on the way
Cathy McGowan

“Feminist Insult”
Judy Maddigan

21st century politics: New faces/new spaces
Mary Crawford and Robyn Keast

Articles: Parliaments

Victorias house of review: Ten years after
Stephen Redenbach

Explanatory Memorandums for proposed legislation in Australia: Are they fulfilling their purpose?
Alex Hickman

The role of the separation of powers and the parliamentary budget setting process
Michael Sloane

Prorogation as a tool of the Executive in intercameral conflict
Gerard W Horgan


From the Tables – a round-up of administrative and procedual developments in the Australian parliaments
Robyn Smith

Book reviews

Murray Gleeson – The Smiler
Andrew Lynch

Australian History in 7 Questions
Ken Turner