© Australasian Study of Parliament Group

Requests for permission to reproduce material from the Australasian Parliamentary Review  should be directed to the Editor.

ISSN 1447-9125

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From your Editor, Colleen Lewis


The Accidental Leaders Play Their First Gig: The 2015 New South Wales Election
David Clune (page 6)

A Perfect Storm – The 2016 Double Dissolution Election
David Elder (page 19)

Parliaments’ Reputation as the ‘Pre-Eminent’ Institution for Defending Rights: Do Parliamentary Committees Always Enhance this Reputation?
Laura Grenfell (page 34)

Committees of Influence: Parliamentary Committees with the Capacity to Change Australia’s Counter-terrorism Laws
Sarah Moulds (page 46)

New Kids on the Block or the Unusual Suspects? Is Public Engagement with Committees Changing or is Participation in Committee Inquiries Still Dominated by a Handful of Organisations and Academics?
Pauline Painter (page 67)

Fixed Reporting Dates for Senate References Committees: Are They Effective?
Colby Hannan (page 84)

Budget Scrutiny in Australian State Parliaments
Kylie Coulson (page 103)

A Parliamentary Budget Office in Fiji: Scope and Possibility
Usman Chohan and Kerry Jacobs (page 117)

Dual Language Legislation: What Can New Zealand Learn From the Canadian Model
Helena Strange (page 130)

The Political Consequences of Hansard Editorial Policies: The Case for Greater Transparency
Cecilia Edwards (page 145)

When Referendums Go Wrong – Queensland’s 2016 Fixed Four-Year Term Proposal
Graeme Orr and Samara Cassar (page 161)

Making Honey in the Bear Pit: Parliament and its Impact on Policymaking
Steven Reynolds (page 176)


From the Tables (January–June 2016)
Liz Kerr (page 188)

Book reviews

Parliamentarians’ Professional Development: The Need for Reform
June Verrier (page 200)